How do I get paid? How do I pay participants like artists and collaborators?

Labelcaster has automated the payout process for labels and artists. Streaming revenues from the DSP’s are split based on your contractual agreements. Each participant (artists, collaborators, whoever is receiving a share of the royalties) has an account and then sets up how to get paid in our app. As a label owner, you can invite […]

What information can I get in your detailed reports?

By the 10th of each month, we’ll have the reports available to you and all participants. We provide detailed reporting on performance revenue as downloadable CSV files. CSV (or “comma separated value”) are standard text files that applications like Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers or Tableau can read to analyze and visualize data.  Here are […]

When do I get paid?

Monthly, in a word.  Each month, as we receive our reports from the streaming services, we process the data into reports and payments. We promise that by no later than the 10th of each month, we’ll have the reports, data, and money available to you and all participants. A bit on timing: We receive reports […]

How are royalties split between label and artist?

Labelcaster will ask you to set and agree on a split between the label and participant(s) for each release as you set it up. Each release can have as many participants in the royalties as you like—as long as it all totals 100%. We automatically distribute royalties based on these splits, and provide reporting and […]

Will Labelcaster take any of the artist royalties?

Labelcaster takes a 10% commission on streaming royalties automatically off the top. Splits for all participants (e.g. labels, artists, collaborators, etc.) are calculated after that commission is deducted.

Can I view my sales and data in the app online?

We have built a set of dashboards for you. You can see exactly how much each release has been streamed, where it has been streamed and a calculation of estimated royalties. Artists can see the same information on their accounts. If you want more information than provided in our app, you can always download detailed […]